Images in HTML

Writing a nice text based home page isn’t a tough job. When you add pictures, technically known as images or graphics, the appeal and look of your content gets wonderfully attractive. Therefore, when you are creating a site with HTML, one of the most important things to learn is to place image on your page and how to turn that image into a link.

Placing an image on the page

For placing the image, the HTML command is constant and this same command is repeated every time. With reference to this, you can store everything on the web server because now with images and graphics you are adding additional items to the home page. Till now, you added texts on the page and now its time to add the images. If you have the basic knowledge of the HTML, placing an image won’t seem to be a rocket science for you. Therefore, for placing the images you need to search on to the subdirectories and under the directories, you can find the web pages.

Here, you can check out the basic HTML format for placing an image:

<img src="image.gif" alt="some text" width=32 height=32>

When you are able to replace the image.gif with the homepage.gif, you are on the right track of placing the images. You can use the following tags for the purpose img, src, image.gif, alt, “some text”, width, height etc. Among the image formats, you can choose any one from the four basic formats. Let’s discuss about them in brief:

    • .gif: This is also pronounced by “jif” or “gif” and its full form is Graphics Interchange Format. This format of the image is used by the browser.
    • .png: There are also pronounced as “ping” and its full form of Portable Network Graphic and this format can be used as replacement for .gif
    • .jpeg or .jpg: These two names denotes the format and computers like PCs and MAC allows 3 to 4 letters after the .JPEG format and its acronym is Joint Photographic Experts Group. Most of the JPEG images save the hard drive space; however, it is necessary that you should also sometimes remember the name of the picture for unfolding the image.
    • .bmp: This is yet another format which is acceptable in most of the browsers. The .bmp format will be accepted in places where they accept .gif, .jpg or .png.

You can upload the images from plenty of sites where you most of the photos for free. As you surf hundreds of images, you can choose whichever suits the content of your site. Then next comes activating the image, which you can do by creating HTML link. By activating the link, you can click on the link and then jump on to another site. You can make the images clickable or to make it an “active” image, you can use the following link.

<a href=""><img src="homepage.gif" alt="home"></a>

Following the aforesaid format, you can get the image and can upload it in your homepage, so that your site looks for compelling and interactive.

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